P. A. Sebastian*, A. V. Sudhikumar, Mathew M. Joseph, E. Sunish
Diversity and Conservation of Invertebrates in Western Ghats,
Sebastian P.A., Sudhikumar A.V., Mathew M. Joseph, Sunish, E; In: Priyadarsanan Dharmarajan, Soubadra Devy, Aravind Madhyastha, Subramanian K.A. and Seena N. K. (eds.). Diversity and Conservation of Invertebrates in Western Ghats.
Diversity of spiders (order Araneae) in Western Ghats –an overview.,
Sebastian P.A., Mathew M. Joseph, M. M. (2008). In: P.A. Sebastian and K.V. Peter (eds). Spiders of India.
Chapter 1. Introduction to spiders,
Mathew M. Joseph, Sudhikumar A.V., John Joseph. In: P.A. Sebastian and K.V. Peter (eds). Spiders of India.
Chapter 2. Natural history and bioecology,
Sudhikumar A.V., Mathew M. Joseph, M. M., Samson Davis Padayatty. In: P.A. Sebastian and K.V. Peter (eds). Spiders of India.
Chapter 4. Systematics and evolution,
Sebastian P.A., Sudhikumar A.V., Mathew M. Joseph, Samson Davis Padayatty. In: P.A. Sebastian and K.V. Peter (eds). Spiders of India.
Chapter 6. Suborder Araneomorphae,
Mathew M. Joseph, E. Sunish, P.A. Sebastian. In: P.A. Sebastian and K.V. Peter (eds). Spiders of India
Updated checklist of Indian Spiders,
Sudhikumar A.V., Mathew M. Joseph, M. M., Sebasitian P.A.. In: Ignacimuthu & S. Jayaraj (eds.). Biodiversity and insect pest management.
Seasonal Variation in the Diversity of Spiders in Kuttanad Rice Agroecosystem, Kerala,
Sudhikumar A.V., Mathew M. Joseph, Sunish, E., Sebasitian P.A.. In: G. Ray, Kuruvilla Joseph & George Varghese (eds.). Science and Technology for Sustainable Development.
Synanthropic spiders of Kerala, India,